Default behaviour

The hanko-elements package includes English translations by default and the lang attribute can be omitted.





Installing Additional Translations

Translations are currently available for the following languages

  • ”de” - German
  • ”en” - English
  • ”fr” - French

You can import them individually

// Replace the paths below with
// "{en|de|all|...}.js"
// if you're using CDN.

import { de } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/de";
import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";
import { fr } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/fr";
import { zh } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/zh";

Or import all translations at once

import { all } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/all";

After importing, provide the translations through the register() function

register("", { translations: { de, en, fr, zh } });
// or
register("", { translations: all });

You can now set the lang attribute of the element to the desired language

<hanko-auth lang="de"></hanko-auth>

Modifying Translations

You can modify existing translations as follows

import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";

en.errors.somethingWentWrong = "Aww, snap!";

register("YOUR_HANKO_API_URL", { translations: { en } });

Adding New Translations

If you need to create a new translation, pass an object that implements (or partially implements) the Translation interface.


import { all } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/all";
import { Translation } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements"; // if you're using typescript

const myLang: Translation = {...}

register("YOUR_HANKO_API_URL", {translations: {...all, myLang}});


<hanko-auth lang="myLang"></hanko-auth>

Using External Files

For languages provided via the element’s lang attribute, or via the fallback language option, that are not included in the object passed to the translations option, the component will fetch a JSON file from the location specified by the translationsLocation option. For example, if “en” is missing due to an empty object being passed, as shown in the example below, the component will fetch a file named /i18n/en.json.


register("", {
  translations: {}, // An empty object, so even the default "en" translation won't be available.
  translationsLocation: "/i18n", // A public folder containing language files, e.g., "en.json".


<!-- Will fetch "/i18n/en.json" -->
<hanko-auth lang="en"></hanko-auth>

Fallback Language

The fallbackLanguage option is used to specify a fallback language for the web components when translations are missing or incomplete for a particular language. By setting the fallbackLanguage option to a valid language string like “en” or “de”, the missing translation strings will be automatically retrieved from the specified fallback language. When the translation for the specified fallbackLanguage is not available in the translations option, the web components will attempt to fetch it from an external file.


import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";
import { Translation } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements";

const symbols: Partial<Translation> = {
  labels: { continue: "➔" },

register("", {
  fallbackLanguage: "en",
  translations: { en, symbols },


<!-- Will appear in English, but the "continue" button label will be "➔"  -->
<hanko-auth lang="symbols"></hanko-auth>