You need to just follow these 5 quick steps.


Sign Up

To begin, head over to Hanko and sign up.


Create an Organization

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be directed to create an organization.


Initiate a new Passkey Project

With your organization set, it’s time to kick off a new Passkey project. Choose ‘Passkey Infrastructure’ and click ‘Create Project’.

Input your project name and provide your app’s URL. For the app URL, make sure to enter the full URL including http:// or https:// and the port in case it’s localhost, e.g. http://localhost:3000.


Get Tenant ID and API key

Upon entering the dashboard, copy the Tenant ID and create an API key. You’ll need these for future integrations.


Dive into Integrations

You’re all set! Visit the next sections to kick off your integration journey.